Sunday, September 30, 2007


...a Nick Cage flick from 2002.

Windtalkers is on teh TV today, and I'm actually inclined to agree with Tweetybird - it doth sucketh something powerful. Even though John Woo is the director, this is brutal in its boredom. Weak storyline boosted by many, many battle scenes which don't really add to the overall experience. It's like The Cage has given up...


Anders said...

I've seen it, but forgot most of the storyline here. Basically it was a Native American language they used as code, and Nicky had to guard one of those so the Japanese should capture him? I think it's based on a true story (not french one this time), but in Hollywood, that don't mean much.

And what's happened to the Cage-man? He used to churn out one good movie after the other?

Wilhelm said...

You go the gist of it, and you're right - what happened to the Cage?

Unknown said...

Taxes and divorces !!!

Wilhelm said...

Good one.

Didn't know that teh cage had been married so many times, though.

Then again, I didn't care either..