Friday, June 20, 2008

Sexisim studies

Since Wilhelm in the past has posted some critic of commercial that are sexist/ stereotyping (and some frustration over the "no double-sided printing on student hand-outs" policy), I thought I could post this sexism test. After all, I'm mr. PC on this board...

It's Firday, but there is no TGIF from me this weekend.


Wilhelm said...

Two questions, Chief: 1) How would one go about to collect the remaining 60%, and 2) the test discusses football, yet the way they outline the problem clearly indicates that they're talking about the puny, inferior game known as soccer. Whazzupwiddat?

Anders said...

1) Are you suggesing you've completed the first 40%?

2) There is only one kind of football. And that is not the kind where you hold an oval shaped thing they for some unknown reason call "ball" in your hands and wear gayish kind of protection. And I'm include you as one of my ten mates who can beat even the best women's football team, regardless of the fact that you kick like a woman...

Anders said...

Hang on, that wasn't a very (ars)ethical answer...

Wilhelm said...

LOL...are ya laying the smacketh downeth on my candy ass ova' heah', Anders?