Tuesday, October 21, 2008

KJ strikes back

Knut Jørgen Røed Ødegaard - a.k.a. KJ - refuses to go down for the count, and launched into counterstrike mode today during an interview with Radio P4. Even after a slew of criticism by colleagues, something I've blogged about here and here, not to mention Anders' contribution, KJ is able to muster the spunk necessary to strike back at his detractors. Just when you thought his betters had him over a barrel, KJ strikes. 'Cause that's how KJ rolls. Again, a big shout-out to T-bombz for bringing the radio interview to my attention.

In the interview, KJ layeth the smacketh downeth, stating that rather than condemning others, the time of his critical colleagues would be better spent getting the public interested in research. He then goes on to describe how he is a victim of his own good intentions, and that people who try to communicate science in mass media are being demonized by bitter, crusty academics who may know what they're talking about, but whom have never gotten tabloid headlines for having a mental breakdown following being a guest at a "high-school reunion" type of TV show. As I read the quotes, I could swear that I could hear the shuffling of his feet and the mumbling of the Romans as KJ was lugging his cross up Golgotha, and I remember thinking: "This is what it sounds like when doves cry".

..ok, so perhaps I'm paraphrasing a bit here, but dude was pulling the martyr card far more than what one would expect from a person who's gotten caught in the act of perpetrating factual errors. There are of course several sides to this story, and I would agree that envy might play a role in it, as does laziness from reporters who don't want to google new names when they need a go-to geek. Academics have to shoulder their share of the burden as well, seeing as how astronomy is a topic which can be sold due to access to fancy images , vast forces and doomsday scenarios.

KJ then went on to attack his colleagues, by stating that "When it comes to general astronomy, I reckon I've got more knowledge than the majority at the Department of Theoretical Astrophysics" ("Når det gjelder generell astronomi har nok jeg bedre kunnskap enn de fleste der oppe på Institutt for teoretisk astrofysikk"). This is a bonehead move if I ever saw one, as a) it places the burden of evidence squarely on the barely existing shoulders of KJ and b) considering how little knowledge of said department and the research which goes on there KJ has, as demonstrated by Prof. Aksnes, this statement is very likely to be wrong.

I've got tremenduous respect for the enthusiasm and willingness to share his knowledge with the public shown by KJ. However, it'd be a good thing if the information he communicated via mass media was somewhat accurate, which is what the objective criticism from e.g. Prof. Aksnes deals with. Oh; and if you google the name of Prof. Kaare Aksnes, it'll become pretty obvious that KJ has picked a fight with the wrong guy here...


Torbjørn said...

It was kinda fun interview to listen to.

However, I think the media'd rather have no stuff about astronomy at all than to have it presented by a real scientist. The media have no interest at all in the topic itself, KJRØ is the clown making it interesting. We can dislike it just as much as we possibly can, it's all about the wrapping.

Wilhelm said...

You might be right in that assertion. Being that the two biggest newspapers address roughly only present glorified one-liners and fortune cookie wisdom in the place of actual articles, this fits well within that trend.

...as long as they don't purport to any claims of journalistic integrity, or even worse "the public has a right to know", it's all good I suppose

Torbjørn said...

I'm considering to become the KRJØ of surface chemistry. You see a future for me?

Anders said...

Well, Kj is having a hard time.

Wilhelm said...

I'm considering to become the KRJØ of surface chemistry. You see a future for me?

..now why would ya wanna go in that direction?

Torbjørn said...

..now why would ya wanna go in that direction?

Fame and fortune? Besides, I heard that Aylar slept with KJRØ.

Anders said...

not to mention Anders' contribution

Why not?

(...boy, I'm feeling silly this morning.)

Wilhelm said...

Fame and fortune? Besides, I heard that Aylar slept with KJRØ

.....in what way is being a notch in Aylar's bedpost exclusive?

She's the probably the only groupie that sex addict Robbie Williams publicly denied ever having slept with following Aylar's claims to this effect.

Anders said...

Besides, I heard that Aylar slept with KJRØ.

That would be Robbie Williams, not KJRØ. Yeah, I know, it's hard to tell those dudes apart...

Anders said...

Dang. Double post. You stole my Robbie joke, Wilhelm. :-/

Wilhelm said...

Why not?

Didn't get the meaning of that phrase in what I wrote? You ought to check out Derek Zoolander's School for Children who can't Read Too Good

Wilhelm said...

..double-posting jokes are the ones I like - I'll steal your jokes like I stole your bike

Wilhelm said...

...word life

Wilhelm said...

..and that's the bottom line - 'cause ........ said so

Torbjørn said...

I am sure I saw some TV2 reporter calling KJRØ once, to have his comment on Aylar outing their relationship in her self biography.

Wilhelm said...

.........nope...no comment

Torbjørn said...


On the left you can see the headline "Jonna konfronterer Aylars elskere". KJRØ was one of the celebreties featured in that programme.

Yes, he was. And he did not deny it either.

Wilhelm said...


Anders said...

Ok, guys:
THIS is the bottom line. End of story