..oh it's true..it's DAMN true
The Scores for round 10 look like this:
The hyooge Kahuna, the Grand Daddy of Them All, the Total Score is now:
Congrats to Pigeon and Sondre, and good luck with Quiz 11
.....the decision still makes sense to me. That being said; I'd love to edit a book like this at one point, but not right now.
So Pigeon was kind enough to lend me the book
Microtrends - The small forces behind today's big changes by Mark J. Penn and E. Kinney Zalesne (2007)
Mark Penn is - according to the back cover and preface - one of the most respected and sought-after analysts in the world, and has been an advisor to former President Bill Clinton, Former Prime Minister Tony Blair, and also advises Senator Hilary Clinton. Right off the bat, the author is caught in a lie, in that he is a pollster, not an analyst. Also, it is mind-numbingly obvious that this book is a blatant rip-off of "Freakonomics", without the scholarly rigor. Next to "Freakonomics", this book is a mere collection of trivia. This feeling is strongly reinforced by the fact that unlike the aforementioned "Freakonomics", every fact and trend which is revealed leaves me unimpressed - this is freakin' obvious from the very definition of the problem. Any and all "analysis" performed by the authors is superfluous, and I can't imagine that anyone would be under the impression that this work contains any rigor and in-depth analysis at all. Moreover, it is easy to discern attempts to pull the wool over the readers' eyes whenever the data presented contradict policies associated with former clients. Perhaps the most aggravating case is when Penn dismisses the claim that the sudden drop in crime during the 90's was caused by Roe vs. Wade, as derived in "Freakonomics". Rather, Penn states that the PHENOMENAL drop in crime rates was due to "innovative and more effective police strategies implemented by the Clinton administration". What the hell? THAT was the full weight of his counterargument, versus the full treatment from the authors of "Freakonomics". Also; the fact that the majority of graphs are presented as default Excel plots with the grey background and everything makes it really hard to buy Penn as a "World-Class analyst".
To me, the book also highlights what I perceive to be the biggest problem with successful politicians. Throughout the book, Penn draws from plenty of examples where he in his role as a pollster has located subgroups of the populations (above that magic 1% limit), figured out what they're interested in, and subsequently has advised his candidates to emphasize what these groups are into in order to get their votes. Such crap! This is the politician as tabula rasa, with no opinions of his or her own, who relies on advisers to find large enough segments of the populations to tailor a political strategy and philosophy around. I simply can't respect that. To me, a politician who starts out with an agenda, sticks to his or her views and looks for votes based on that is someone I can respect, whether or not I agree with the politics. Turncoats, however.........
Consequently, the Scores for Quiz 9 are:
And the Grand Daddy of them all, the Total Score:
It's getting awful close around the middle here.......Congrats to Cathy, Anders and Sondre! Good luck on Quiz 10.
This means that in round 8, one contestant opened up a can of whoop-ass and unleashed it on all your candy asses, before said contestant proceeded to escort you into his Impala - all shined up real nice - took you for a ride down Know Your Role Boulevard, took that hard right onto Jabroni Drive, and checked you all into the Smackdown Motel. The Scores from Round 8 look a li'l something like this:
The Normalized Scores after round 8 look like this:
And the Grand Daddy of them all - the Total Score after round 8:
Congrats to the winners - Anders and Sondre and good luck with Quiz 9.
Awright - we've got something goin' on this time for sure. First; here be the answers:
Now for the rankings - starting with Scores after round 7:
On to the Normalized Scores:
...and finally, the Grand Poobah, the Big Kahuna, the Overall Scores:
Congrats to Sondre (once again), and good luck with Quiz 8
..OK, that was a spoof video of one of their songs, but the actual band isn't much better:
...now what do you think the odds are of Manowar fans actually requiring prophylactics for other purposes than avoiding to further stain their clothes and few other fabric-made wordly possessions? Also, I suspect that these condoms (only available in sizes Small and down, I wager) do not come flavored because few Manowar fans have sufficient spinal flexibility due to years of headbanging and slouching at school.
Other bands Play, Manowar Kill indeed....
Academic life is good
The standings for Quiz 6:
Accordingly; the normalized score is:
And finally; the Total Score after Quiz 6:
Congrats to Sondre once again, and good luck with Quiz 7.
....I needed to put some slightly less inhuman guitar playing between that freak Michael Romeo and my own playing in the next guitarquiz.......
Tremenduous song, though.
....damn; I would NEVER have thought that quiz 5 would be perceived as that difficult.
In conclusion; shame on y'all for not gettin' more of these songs. The updated rankings are as follows:
Quiz 5:
The Normalized rankings after quiz 5 are:
And finally the Big Kahuna - the Cumulative Scores:
Congrats to Sondre, and Good luck with the next one. Maybe I should record some sections from lesser known Spice Girls or Mika songs so y'all will have an easier time than with those unknown artists such as AC/DC and Hendrix ;-)
Which leaves us with the following Score for Round 4:
The cumulative/total score after round 4 is:
And finally; the normalized score (i.e. average score per quiz) is:
Congrats to Sondre, and good luck with Quiz 5.....