Saturday, April 26, 2008

Answers - guitarquiz 20

And here it is - the final songs of the m-factor guitarquiz:
  • Song 96: Def Leppard - Hysteria. For whatever reason, not a single one of youse recognized this song, despite it being one of the biggest hits of the 80's. Oh well - Def Leppard ain't yall's bag, apparently. Not really mine either - despite having played Hysteria and several other of their tunes in pubs and small venues for years, I never actually purchased a Def Leppard album until 1998 or 1999 after having been persuaded by Torbjørn.
  • Song 97: Van Halen - Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love. Classic, classic VH with Diamond Dave himself on vocals. You better believe this tune was a standby.
  • Song 98: Dio - Rainbow In The Dark. Look Out! It's Dio in the classic setting with Vivian Campbell (later to become the second guitarist of Def Leppard after Steve Clark left this world by way of alcoholism and drug abuse) on lead guitar. And just about the only tune they had where the keyboardist got to be on stage instead of behind the curtains, "waitin' for 'Rainbow, dude".
  • Song 99: Berlin - Take My Breath Away. From the Top Gun soundtrack, y'all better believe.
  • Song 100: Harold Faltermeyer and Steve Stevens - Top Gun Anthem. It's really as good as all Steve Stevens when it comes to the composer here, though. Who is Steve Stevens? Well; beside having written this classic instrumental, which has haunted many a pub while the singer/second guitarist went to do whatever backstage in mid-gig, he used to play with the Vince Neil Band. And before that, he was the guitar player with Billy Idol, where he co-wrote White Wedding, Dancing With Myself, Rebel Yell and several other classics. Respect!
..this brings us to the Score for round 20:
  1. Anders/Pigeon/Sondre (tied at 6/10)
  2. ...
  3. ...
  4. Cathy (4/10)
Consequently, we've got the Total Score looking like this:
  1. Sondre - 134 points
  2. Pigeon - 118 points
  3. Anders - 111 points
  4. Cathy - 110 points
  5. Torbjørn - 6 points
Congrats to Sondre
who won this rather convincingly, and who'll receive an alcoholic beverage for his trouble.

We'll start up with Guitarquiz 2 - The Revenge shortly.


Anonymous said...

i didn't know that a free alcoholic beverage was involved. I would have played differently that's for sure !!!

Congrats Sondre !!
I will kick your ass next round

Anders said...

Wilhelm, it seems to me that you've forgot to substract 10 points from pigeons total score. You know, for him being french and all. ;-)

Anders said...

Congrats to Sondre and pigeon. And na-na-na-na-na-na-na I BEAT YOU to Cathy. (I won't even mention Torbjørn with that low score).


It's been fun. So we did agree no 80's music in the next round, right?

Anonymous said...

and no bands where at least two members have long beards.

Let's stick to music

Anders said...

So, my comments this round. I did start to wonder if this was a Top Gun special round (take my breath away is also on that sound track).

Def Leppard - Hysteria.
For whatever reason, not a single one of youse recognized this song, despite it being one of the biggest hits of the 80's.

It did surprise you that I didn't manange that song? Wonder what in my track record would indicate that I'm good at guessing medicore 80's hair metal?

Van Halen - Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love
Did hear it was Van Halen straight away. But it was something with the playing there that made me wonder that it wasn't Ain't Talking Bout Love, but rather one of those curve balls W-meister sometimes throws us. But ended up with correct tune and artist on this one.

Dio - Rainbow In The Dark.
The tune sounded familiar, but never heard of Rainbow In The Dark.

Berlin - Take My Breath Away
Instant reconginzable, but had to check with CD on to get the artist.

Harold Faltermeyer and Steve Stevens - Top Gun Anthem
Which also gave me the artist on this one, where the tune are also pretty much reconginzable.
Who is Steve Stevens? Well; beside having written this classic instrumental, which has haunted many a pub while the singer/second guitarist went to do whatever backstage in mid-gig, he used to play with the Vince Neil Band. And before that, he was the guitar player with Billy Idol, where he co-wrote White Wedding, Dancing With Myself, Rebel Yell and several other classics. Respect!

And yet Harold & Steve get to enjoy the big city life style in San Francisco, and are often seen out clubing or speding time with one of their many hobbies which include interior design, doll collecting and personal styling.

Anders said...

and no bands where at least two members have long beards.

Nothing from these guys you mean? But the clean shaven guy on the right here is still on, right?

Wilhelm said...

I would have played differently that's for sure


Wilhelm, it seems to me that you've forgot to substract 10 points from pigeons total score. You know, for him being french and all. ;-)

So you don't consider that being punishment enough?

So we did agree no 80's music in the next round, right?

Yeah right - I'll get right on that, stud

and no bands where at least two members have long beards.

No love for the Top?

Wilhelm said...

Ah-ha Anders...finally you're the one making fun of dead musicians.....thanks for taking one for the team and all

Anders said...

I know Dimebag is gone. And that he left Panthera before he got shot on stage. But I didn't say nuthin' bad about him...

Wilhelm said...

I did start to wonder if this was a Top Gun special round (take my breath away is also on that sound track).

LOL. Yeah; they did come kind of close. But I record and mix the songs in the order in which I think of them, so after I'd recorded the first one, the theme came to mind.

It did surprise you that I didn't manange that song? Wonder what in my track record would indicate that I'm good at guessing medicore 80's hair metal?

There's a difference between not recognizing Dokken and not recognizing Hysteria, dude. Surely even you will admit that this tune was inescapable despite your status as a decade-long musical recluse

Did hear it was Van Halen straight away. But it was something with the playing there that made me wonder that it wasn't Ain't Talking Bout Love, but rather one of those curve balls W-meister sometimes throws us. But ended up with correct tune and artist on this one.

That was a really elegant way of saying that my recording sucks, A-master. Good one.

The tune sounded familiar, but never heard of Rainbow In The Dark.

....but it's Rainbow, dude...

And yet Harold & Steve get to enjoy the big city life style in San Francisco, and are often seen out clubing or speding time with one of their many hobbies which include interior design, doll collecting and personal styling.

Are you suggesting that Harold and Steve have several things in common with Jan Thomas, Anders?

Wilhelm said...

I know Dimebag is gone. And that he left Panthera before he got shot on stage. But I didn't say nuthin' bad about him...

Tru, tru....I'd at least included some kind of "Knock, knock" joke, so I guess I'm still the perp as far as inadvertently making fun of dead musicians - or at least some peeps who spat out records like so much chewing tobacco

Anders said...

There's a difference between not recognizing Dokken and not recognizing Hysteria, dude. Surely even you will admit that this tune was inescapable despite your status as a decade-long musical recluse

Yes it is, but honestly, I must admit that I know the titles better then the tunes on some of those 80's bands (don't get me startet on G'n'R). It's like, I'm sure you've heard of Candy Man by Mississippi John Hurt, but I guess it wouldn't be too easy to recognize it and name it from just the guitar track.

That was a really elegant way of saying that my recording sucks, A-master. Good one.

Yes, I see that it came out that way. No, it was instant recongizable. But I've been too quick with some of the song titles on artists I know before, so I had to listen through it a couple of times. I don't have any VH records to compare with, you know, so it's been a while since I've heard that tune. Besides, that song has been ruined by this rapper/whatever dude who made it into "Ain't Talkin' Bout Dub" or something like that. Didn't mean to imply anything about the recording.

Are you suggesting that Harold and Steve have several things in common with Jan Thomas, Anders?

Just call'em as I see 'em...

Anders said...

Tru, tru....I'd at least included some kind of "Knock, knock" joke, so I guess I'm still the perp as far as inadvertently making fun of dead musicians - or at least some peeps who spat out records like so much chewing tobacco

Basically, I just wanted a band with two bearded members that were not from the 70's ('cause everybody was beared back then). Since I don't know many band within the death metal genre, Dimebag came to the rescue. Then it was just a matter of finding a picture of some clean shaven ZZ Top members...

Btw, I would love to hear that Knock-Knock joke. :-D

Cathy said...

Congrats to Sondre and pigeon. And na-na-na-na-na-na-na I BEAT YOU to Cathy.

It ain't over til it's over big guy. I WILL take my revenge on the ....well, Revenge guitarquiz2 ;)
More seriously, congrats to the winners of course :) and see you around.

Anders said...

It ain't over til it's over big guy. I WILL take my revenge on the ....well, Revenge guitarquiz2 ;)

I'm just joking with you and the Pigster. It was pretty close race between the three of us; at least at the end there. Sondre was da man, so he deserves the beer or whatever.

Wilhelm said...

Yes it is, but honestly, I must admit that I know the titles better then the tunes on some of those 80's bands (don't get me startet on G'n'R). 'bout them G'n'R, big guy?

Besides, that song has been ruined by this rapper/whatever dude who made it into "Ain't Talkin' Bout Dub" or something like that.

Dude yeah; that douchenozzle sure eff'ed up that song for a whole generation, whoever it was >:-(

I don't have any VH records to compare with, you know, so it's been a while since I've heard that tune.

They're at the shop?

Since I don't know many band within the death metal genre, Dimebag came to the rescue.

LOL...that's a little bit like saying that you brought up Eminem because you don't know that many artists within bluegrass, but I get what you're sayin'

Btw, I would love to hear that Knock-Knock joke. :-D

ok; here it goes....Knock knock...

Anders said... 'bout them G'n'R, big guy?

Their crap and over-rated, and even though I know the names of songs like November Rain and Paradis City (I hope these are G'n'R songs, otherwise I'll look like a complete git), but I don't really know how they sound (couldn't hum them and when I hear one of them, I have to go through most of the G'n'R back catalogue to recongize them). They all look like a bunch of clowns with the music to match, and Slash is the most over-rated guitarist since Clapton. I thought it was common knowledge that G'n'R was crap (in that everybody considers Los del Rio a joke), but I still get amazed when people actually still considers G'n'R a classic/ great band. Go figure, people are stupid.

Was there anything else you wnated to know about GnR?

LOL...that's a little bit like saying that you brought up Eminem because you don't know that many artists within bluegrass, but I get what you're sayin'

I mean, I know there are some bands in the death metal-whatever genre that have beards. But I couldn't think of any band names.

Anders said...

...and apart from my GnR-fobi, I'm generally a nice guy...

Wilhelm said...

They all look like a bunch of clowns with the music to match, and Slash is the most over-rated guitarist since Clapton. I thought it was common knowledge that G'n'R was crap (in that everybody considers Los del Rio a joke), but I still get amazed when people actually still considers G'n'R a classic/ great band. Go figure, people are stupid.

Unrequested fission surplus.

Tell us how you really feel, chief.


Was there anything else you wnated to know about GnR?

Yeah; I've never understood why you're such a fan of them. I mean ok - they do blues-based stuff, and Slash is arguably the heir apparent of Clapton's throne, but some might say they're overrated, a statement to which I can tell you'd disagree. How come you still wear those G'n'R tees and insist that "Chinese Democracy will be released whenever Axl feels that the quality of the recording, mixing and accompanying musicians are worthy of the epic material he's written"? Geez - talk about carrying a torch.