Monday, December 3, 2007

Golden !!

This is just amazing !!!


Wilhelm said...

Dammit - and she's a Southerner too........

Anders said...

Funny stuff, indeed.

But is it possible to not have this on autoplay? It' so annoying to enter the blog and this starts to play straight away..

Wilhelm said...

Huh......on my browser, there's no autoplay - I've got to activate the controls just like for YouTube clips

Anders said...

Why on earth do it autostart when I'm logging into m-factor then? I've tried several different computers and both Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.

Why is that? Wilhelm, you seem to have the computer know-how. Any ideas?

Wilhelm said...

Sure - if by computer know-how you mean either programming in Fortran, VB, Matlab, html or smashing keyboards, I'm your man.

For other skillz, please consult somebody else.