Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The m-factor guitarquiz 3: Mexican Standoff

We're back! And now would be the time to join if anyone else is interested in competing.

Pre-emptive apology: These songs are basically recorded after a 3+ month hiatus from even touching the guitar, so sorry 'bout some of the recordings being less than stellar. My technique is slowly getting back to where it ought to be, but it's taking time. However; if you listen to the songs and go "Dude; What the F*CK, man" and feel the need to post meltdown comments about it, feel free.

In my estimation, four of these songs are super-easy, and one is really hard - let's see how my predictions hold up.

Submit your answers to mfactorquiz (at) by the end of Tuesday 081908. Each song holds the potential of two points - one point for artist and one point for the song. Answers will be posted on Wednesday 082008.

Song number 141:

Song number 142:

Song number 143:

Song number 144:

Song number 145:


Anders said...

if you listen to the songs and go "Dude; What the F*CK, man"...

No, that's usually my reaction when you post the answers and scores...

Great to have the quiz back, haven't checkout the tunes yet, but I'm sure they're good enough.

Wilhelm said...

Inverse meltdown?

Anders said...

Inverse meltdown?
