Thursday, May 15, 2008

Test your geography skillz

Aftenposten online has a couple of online geography tests, including one for European Capitals and one for US states. I've taken both, and apparently I suck at finding the Capitals of European countries which have not existed for more than ten years, but I'm disturbingly accurate at locating US states.

How do y'all do on these ones?


Anonymous said...

84 % for the capitals and 41 % for the states

Wilhelm said...

Damn broski...I'm at ~98% for states and the less said about the Capitals the better. I'd be lucky to get 41% on that, being as how there are Capitals I've probably never heard of in 75 different countries who used to be Yugoslavia, for example

Anders said...

Without trying it: I'm sure I'm equally bad as you on European "young" countries, but in addition, I do suck at US states...

Wilhelm said...

I'm pretty useless at European geography, it seems. The "used to be part of something else" countries anyways...

Anonymous said...

The "used to be part of something else" countries anyways...

Like Norway with Sweden ?

Wilhelm said...

LOL...good one, and true at that.

I had another, larger group of countries in mind, but what teh hell - your example works too