Friday, October 9, 2009

The Nobel Peace Prize 2009... Obama??

Two years ago, there was a bit of a fuzz on m-factor regarding the peace prize being awarded to Al Gore. Well, this year it was awarded to Barack Obama. Now, disregarding the fact that I'm once again ignored by the Nobel Committee: Isn't this a bit too early in his career? The deadline for nomination this year was just a couple of weeks after he was elected president. And, wouldn't it be wise the give it some time, to see whether he actually can but some action behind his plans and promises or if it's just a load of hot air?

I'm amazed by the Committee; are they influenced by all the Obama fan-bois out there and the positive media coverage? If they wanted to use the price in an active way to promote peace work, there are some many other candidates they could have choosen.

So, what do the rest of the poeple here at the A-factor blog thinks?


Torbjørn said...

A-factor? That's a new one...

Regarding the peace price, I totally agree with you. But I have given up on understanding the criteria a long time ago.

Wilhelm said...

No kiddin'. I'm all about Obama,but if good intentions alone suffice, I'd been the proud owner of several Nobel prizes. On the plus side, they didn't give it to some fifth-world clowns as a reward for having cut down on their genocide projects.

Anders said...

While we didn't agree on Al Gore, I do believe we see eye to eye on this years price.