Monday, March 24, 2008

Some more Easter movies

Rogue Assassin (2007)
Action flick with Jason Statham and Jet Li. Despite the fact that every stereotype and cliché is called into play, it beats teh everloving crap out of The Eva Menendez Show, aka We Own The Night. Totally watchable, and whomever directed this knew not to stretch the movie to five and a half hours, in stark contrast to the norm these days.

Elizabeth: The Golden Age (2007)
Awesome historical drama starring such characters as Sir Walter Raleigh (with a surname like that, y'all KNOW he's one kewl cat), Queen Elizabeth I and Mary Stuart. Fantastic acting from Cate Blanchett (Elizabeth) and Clive Owen (Raleigh), and some absolutely breath-taking scenes with battleships, etc. You should totally check it out, unless you're prone to expecting mexicans, Samuel L. Jackson, snakes or monkeys.

Man Cheng Jin Dai Huang Jin Jia (Curse of The Golden Flower) (2006).
Really cool costume drama from the Tang dynasty, starring Chow Yun-Fat. Supposedly this is the largest-ever set built for a movie in China, with more than 1000 real soldiers which were used in the final battle scene. Quite magnificent.


Anonymous said...

So you didn't like wotn but you did like Rogue somethin'!!!!

I liked Elisabeth very much as well. Clive Owen rules !! Children of men with him is a must see.

Wilhelm said...

You betcha' I liked Rogue Assassin. And I thought We Own The Night should have been known We Screw Good Actors With Their Pants On By Putting Them In A Total Cliché Together With Eva Menendez For Whom Acting As Third Latino Stripper From The Left In A Circa 1989 Steven Seagal Movie Would Have Been Above Her Level. Long title, but damn; it's accurate

Anders said...

I admit it: I don't even know who Eva Menendez is. Does she star in any movies/ TV shows that I've seen?

Wilhelm said...

Eva Menendez usually goes by the name of Eva Mendes, and she starred in - among other movies - Ghost Rider. Try

I'm telling you; if not for "her", people would've been talking about Ghost Rider much in the same way as they do The Shining or even Casablanca ;-)

Anders said...

It seems that I've only seen Once Upon a Time in Mexico with her. I remember that as an OKish movie. Can't remember her charater, though.

Wilhelm said...

Can't remember her charater, though.

That's 'cause she probably was mexican ball-licker #7, and her only line was "15 pesos for the full hour, senor"

Anders said...


Well, she was pretty far down on the list on Ghost Rider on as well, but yet she managed to ruin what should have been an epic movie masterpiece. All according to you, of cours, but who am I to doubt your taste in movies? Or music. Or fine food. Or wine. Or guitars. Or sports.

Wilhelm said...

I've got a taste in sports now?

Anders said...

I've got a taste in sports now?


Anders said...


Anders said...

Synchronized swimming?

Anders said...

Strongman competions?

Wilhelm said...

..wrestling isn't a sport, but "Sports-Entertainment". And Karate is something to do, not something to watch.

Wilhelm said... got me with the strongman comptitions, though.

Good one

Anders said...

Hey, I never thought I could find a sport that you actually enjoyed watching! But hey, that's what friends are for. Just another good deed for the A-man.

Wilhelm said...

Chalk one up for the A-team