So, in a previous post ages ago, I showed the pickup change of my Supro Dual-Tone. The original guitar is shown to the right. This time around, I replaced all the internal electronics; potentiometers, capacitors and wires. I left the output jack and three way switch intact.
My thought behind this was that I know nada about guitar electronics, so it is really difficult for me to search out exactly the part that's bad and replace it. Chances are that I might actually damage the guitar in some way when doing that. But, if I remove almost the complete internal electronics and wiring, it would be easy of a skilled repair man to restore it (in worst case scenario).
Opening up the guitar.
This guitar is made of "reso-glass", a glass fiber of sort. So it actually is hollow inside, and looks something like this when it's opened:

The round things are the pots, on the upper part there are two pairs of volume and tone pots, one for each pickup. The left one is volume. On the lower side, you can see a major volume pot, three way switch and output jack. The black wires that come out of the wood beam in the middle are from the pickups. Below is a close-up for the volume and tone pot for the neck pickup. The cylinder is the cap for the tone pot.
New parts
So, since I don't know the reading on the caps and pots, I just took a plunge at some of the ones from RS guitarworks, since they had good reading. Took out what is normal pots for single coils, and ended up with 280K Ohm for volume, 250 Ohm for tone and two 0.015 microF (where are the Greek letters in here when you need them?) caps.
Anyway, below is a picture of the guitar with all the old electronics removed and three new pots in place.
And the all the new parts installed look something like this:
And a close-up of my soldering skills:
Doesn't look as pretty as the original, but it works and it's hidden inside the guitar anyway.
So, here is the guitar reassembled again. Doesn't look much different, only visible are the washers on the pots, hidden under the knobs and are only visible if you tilt the guitar. Could have used the old washers for that vintage look, but that's the kind of details only I and my therapist find interesting.
ConclusionI have a really good first impression of my repair. The volume and tone controls work. I might tweak the pickup height again and experiment with different values of the caps. But that is a project for later, 'cause I think I will be happy with this guitar as it is now. Won't even bother to find vintage replacement parts.